Waterloo 5

by - May 15, 2018

Monday brought a lot of activity starting with the concept of things having the potential to be and not be at the same time.  Quantum Mechanics is being used in quantumcryptography to secure information travelling digitally around the world.  The boys explored this idea by sending and receiving crypto keys using lasers and the concepts around quantumcryptography. 

From here we travelled to a fairly open grassy space to play a communication game where, in groups of three, the boys had to locate and retrieve objects. 

The person doing the retrieving was blindfolded, the person who could see was not allowed to speak and a third person in the group had to issue the direction to the retriever.  It was chaos, and a lot of fun, especially when they started to trip over each other or when one group thought they could get away with retrieving multiple objects out from under the noses of the other groups.

We then returned to our home, E5 (with a brief stop to pick up souvenirs at the UW bookstore).  Here, we turned titanium rings into different colours using the principles of adonization, a little salt water and some batteries. 

Following lunch, the boys engaged in a discussion around brands and marketing in preparation for their Create Value Challenge.  Kerry Anne Rothe, a local marketing consultant, talked about the ideas of brands, the trust that they try to engender, what happens when that trust is broken and the 7Ps or marketing. 

For me, the highlight of the day was dinner.  It was not the highlight because of the food, but a number of members of engineering design teams came to talk and eat dinner with the boys.  After dinner (and in some cases, during) the discussion moved into the various rooms and construction bays where the boys got see the work that the UW students were doing on building cars, rockets, a version of hyperloop, submarines, and more. 
This was a great opportunity for the boys to see what these engineering students do in their spare time and explore projects that they themselves could potentially work on some day.  An added bonus was running into old boys, Nick Varabioff and Reese French.  Reese hung out and visited with some of the boys to share his experiences of first year.

We finished the evening with a chill time at a campfire making smores and playing mafia.

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